So what would you do?
A child comes to your house for an overnight stay and you find out in the course of that visit that they have something on their back that looks very much like ringworm. Your two young children have been exposed.
What do you do when that child is your stepdaughter, who wasn't even supposed to visit this particular weekend, but it was your husband's birthday and for the first time ever his ex-wife decided that he needed to have his daughter on his birthday, which just happened to fall on a Saturday.
So now, now only did your plans of sending your kid's off to stay with Grammy while you and your husband had a nice dinner and a night out on the town get cancelled, but now your children have been exposed to a highly contagious disease, that the ex-wife knew her daughter could possibly have and has not yet made a doctor appointment for treatment.
What do you do?
Yeah, this happened here this weekend, and I am beyond pissed. Of course I was disappointed that our plans had to change because of my stepkids' visit, but that was okay, we can go out anytime and it's important for W to have time with his kids. But what really gets to me is that they were pushed on us at the last minute, and W's ex didn't even has the decency to keep the youngest at home when she suspected that she has ringworm and needs to see a doctor!
Oh, yeah, I am beyond pissed! Of course saying this to W doesn't help because he just gets all defensive. And counting on him to talk to his ex is a lost cause. Why he can't just say, "You know I enjoy being with the kids, but if they have something contagious I'd appreciate it if you let me know in advance so we can switch weekends, we give you the same courtesy when our children are ill and the kids are scheduled to visit."
Why can't he just say that to her? It's so freaking simple! Yeah, I'm holding a grudge!
1 week ago
Awww...that sucks! I'm sorry honey! I hope they all stay healthy! And I agree...the Ex totally should have let you know!
Hey Nicola! Oh I know all about bitterness...must be going around today! LOL!
Ugh, that is just horrible that she would do that! not only sending her kid over, but to not have the child at a doctor asap disgusts me more!
see ryan's ex is the opposite. He has flown all the way up to Canada to have the visit cancelled because his son was coughing and had to be rushed to the er.
It's amazing how some people function as parents (I'm referring to his ex). Like it would have killed her to say, listen, she has ringworm so maybe we could switch weekends or at least give YOU guys the option of deciding what was best. I'm sorry your weekend got messed up!
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